Grounding Flight Psychotherapy
“Grounding Flight” symbolizes the dynamic relationship between the need for a stable feeling of being rooted, supported and nourished and the desire to freely and courageously reach for your goals and dreams.
The phrase was inspired by the metal sculptures of “The Daphnes” found on Northerly Island in Chicago, IL. These three figures (with a fourth found at Congress and Michigan Ave) are female “spirit” figures with leaves in their hair, flying leaves for arms, and a root/vine-like base that grounds them. I have long been inspired by the meeting of the organic, metallic, feminine, and fantasy. They remind me of the importance of grounding and flow.
Too often, we err on one side or the other. However, like a plane requires wings to fly and wheels to safely land or a dancer who must plié in order to leap, each of us really requires a balance between stability and exploration. We each must be grounded in who we truly are in order to become who we have the potential to be.
Grounding Flight Psychotherapy seeks to provide space, resources, and partnership for each client to discover their best.

Jennifer Baldwin
Psychotherapist, Consciousness Medicine Facilitator
Jennifer Baldwin, PhD, LPC is a licensed professional counselor in Georgia. Grounding Flight began in Chicago, moved to Woodstock, Georgia in 2016 and specializes in trauma recovery, mind/body connection, and faith and health. Jennifer is committed to assisting individuals, families, and communities cultivate authentic, holistic, fully present lives and relationships.
Jennifer’s experience, training, and work is highly integrative of body, mind, and spirit. As a psychotherapist, she has postgraduate training in Internal Family Systems (IFS), Somatic Experiencing (SE), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a variety of movement practices, and Applied Shamanism. She has significant experience working with traumatic experiences, developmental trauma, anxiety, depression, spiritual crisis, and psychedelic medicine assisted healing.
Jennifer has experience supporting people in working with Ketamine, MDMA, Ayahausca, Psilocybin, Hape, Sacred Cacao, Breathwork, and other consciousness healing practices.
She is the founding teacher at Concrescence Institute.
Specialized Trainings:
- Internal Family Systems (2009) Certified IFS Therapist, Approved Clinical Consultant, Level 3: IFS Institute (Level 3s with Dick Schwartz)
- Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (2019): Ketamine Training Center
- MDMA Assisted Psychotherapy (2021): MAPS
- Somatic IFS (2014): Susan McConnell
- Somatic Experiencing (SEP 2021)
- Applied Shamanism (2021): Sacred Stream
- EMDR (2012)
- Plant Medicine Apprenticeship (2022-2023): Maestro in Costa Rica
Through Dangerous Terrain: A Guide for Trauma-Sensitive Leadership in Times of Threat, Eugene: Cascade Books, 2020.
Trauma Sensitive Theology: Thinking Theologically in the Era of Trauma, Eugene: Wipf and Stock/Cascade Books, 2018.
Edited Volumes:
Marveling Religion: Critical Discourse on Religion and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, edited with Daniel White Hodge, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022.
Taking It To the Streets: Public Theologies of Activism and Resistance, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018.
Navigating Post Truth and Alternative Facts: Religion and Science as Political Theology, Religion and Science as Critical Discourse Series, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018.
Sensing Sacred: Exploring the Human Senses in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care. Religion and the Body Series, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016.
Embracing the Ivory and Stained Glass: A Festschrift in Honor of Archbishop Antje Jackelén, Issues in Science and Religion Series, Heidelberg: Springer Publishing, 2015.
Injured But Not Broken: Constructing a Trauma Sensitive Theology. PhD diss., Lutheran School of Theology, 2013, UMI publication #3588331.
Clinician Trainings and Workshops:
Fundamentals of the Inner World, 5 Day Workshop.
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, 3 Day Workshop.
Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy for Complex Trauma, Pesi Speaker Series, 2023.
Ketamine enhanced Internal Family Systems. 7 Day Clinician Training Retreat. Partner with Sapience Therapy. Since 2021.
“Internal Family Systems as Spiritual Practice,” Oates Institute, 2021.
“Internal Family Systems, Trauma, and Compassion Fatigue,” Oates Institute, 2021.
Program Assistant, Internal Family Systems, Level 1, Nashville, 2020-2021.
“Trauma and Theology,” Spring Symposium, Oates Institute, 2020.
“Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, PsychAtlanta, 2020.
“Internal Family Systems: Learn and Practice,” LPCA CE APPROVAL NUMBER: 8012-18M
“Introduction to Trauma Sensitive Congregational Care,” Georgia Area New Thought Leaders, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
“Internal Family Systems: Special Topics,” LPCA CE Approval Number 7700-18M, Topics include: Foundations, IFS and Trauma, IFS and Spirituality, IFS and the Body, Grounding Flight Wellness Center, 2018-ongoing.
“Assessing Client’s Personal Theology in Psychotherapy,” Annual Conference of Licensed Professional Counseling Association of Georgia, May 2018.
“Mental Health for the Minister,” Six 3 hour seminars for seminary students or clergy to better understand and respond to the mental health needs of persons in their congregations. Topics include: Self Care and Awareness, Addiction, Trauma and Dissociation, Depression and Suicide, Chronic Mental Illness, Eating Disorders and Self Injury, Anxiety and OCD, and Domestic Violence.
2013 Doctor of Philosophy Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago IL. Systematic Theology w/ emphasis in Science and Religion.
2010 M.S. (Clinical Psychology) Benedictine University, Lisle IL.
2007 Master of Theology( ThM) Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
2004 M.A. (Theological Studies) Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA.
2002 B.A. (Chemistry, Christianity) Mercer University, Macon GA.